Revealing the Secrets Behind Facial and Neck Lifts for Fat Reduction

Revealing the Secrets Behind Facial and Neck Lifts for Fat Reduction

Do you want a more contoured neck, jaw, and chin? You could benefit from neck fat reduction by Chicago’s top-rated professional. Dr. Sidle at Northwestern Facial Plastic Surgery is a trusted provider of cosmetic plastic surgery. Keep reading to discover the benefits of this procedure and whether you’re a good fit.

What Are Neck Lifts for Fat Reduction?

Colloquially referred to as a mini neck lift, non-surgical neck contouring is a type of liposuction for the neck and throat. Using only a small incision, this procedure can create a more sculpted neck and remove fat around the chin and jaw.

Here are the most common uses for this neck sculpting procedure:

  • Removing excess skin and fat from your neck reduces the appearance of baggy or sagging skin and grants a more toned appearance.
  • The submental fat reduction that results from the neck lifting process gives you a more contoured and sculpted neckline.
  • This procedure is a great option for double chin reduction.
  • After a neck lift procedure, you’ll likely look and feel much younger.

The Benefits of a Mini Neck Lift

For most people, the benefits of neck fat elimination greatly outweigh the disadvantages. If the following effects sound appealing to you, ask your doctor if you’re a good candidate for the procedure.

Customized Results

Like most cosmetic procedures, you can personalize what you want out of the neck lift procedure by targeting specific deposits of fat. Depending on your goals, the doctor can tailor the treatment to create the neck contour that works best for your body. Whether it’s ignoring a layer of muscle or tightening a specific area of skin, collaborate with your provider for the best results you’ll stay happy with.

More Youthful Appearance

The most common reason for a neck lift is to create a more youthful appearance. Around the age of 30, most people start losing collagen, especially in their face and neck, and it’s this reduction that creates loose and sagging skin. While a neck lift won’t improve collagen, it creates a similar effect by removing the sagging parts of the skin.

Immediate Improvement

Unlike dermal fillers, which can take up to six months to produce collagen and show results, you’ll notice the effects of neck fat reduction immediately after your procedure. While you’ll experience some recovery from the bruising and swelling, you could look in a mirror as soon as you get home and notice a difference.

The procedure also has the benefit of taking only around an hour. Most surgeons will only require you to take local anesthesia, so you likely won’t even spend long recovering in the doctor’s office, provided you’re in good health.

Enhances Other Procedures

If you have a good skincare routine or have other cosmetic procedures scheduled, a mini neck lift can improve the results. For example, dermal fillers in your forehead help spread your new youthful look across your face, and plumping your lips also adds to the effect. Because a neck lift doesn’t improve your skin condition, consider pairing it with a procedure that uses Botox or other filler to help regenerate collagen.

Prolonged Results

Depending on how healthy you are and how well you take care of your skin, you’ll notice the effects of your neck lift for up to 10 years, though most people notice a decline in the results around year seven. Compared to dermal fillers, which only last around two years, you’ll love how long these results last.

Limitations Associated with Neck Lifts

No surgical procedure is a good fit for every person, and they all carry risks. While the benefits likely outweigh the disadvantages, keep the following considerations in mind.

Restrictive Candidacy

Not everyone is a good candidate for a neck lift procedure, and your doctor will conduct a detailed medical history and ask about your lifestyle before committing to the procedure. The best candidates show the following characteristics:

  • To help the skin heal and optimize the effects of the procedure, patients should have good skin elasticity.
  • Because you lose elasticity as you age, the most ideal candidates are in their thirties and forties. However, some people can maintain elasticity even into their sixties.
  • Conversely, if you’re too young and don’t have the sagging skin that gives an older appearance, your doctor won’t see value in performing the surgery.
  • A good skincare and exercise routine helps the recovery process and makes the effects last longer.
  • If you’re a smoker, your doctor may suggest you quit before the surgery.

Doesn’t Improve Skin

Because it doesn’t improve the collagen or health of your skin, neck liposuction isn’t a good fit if that’s your primary goal. In this case, your doctor will suggest a treatment more in line with your needs, such as dermal fillers, or a more surgical option like a full neck lift. A good skincare routine, such as daily washing, moisturizing, and using sunscreen, is an essential component in optimizing this procedure.

Won’t Correct Major Problems

A neck lift for fat reduction works best for minor to moderate neck contouring, but if you’re experiencing major issues with your appearance, you should prioritize a different procedure. For example, if you need deep fat removed, limited-incision liposuction surgery won’t reach that layer.

Minor Side Effects

Even minimally invasive surgeries have the potential for complications. You’ll spend about seven to 10 days recovering, during which time you should refrain from exercising, and you’ll wear compression garments as well. Minor side effects include temporary bruising, bleeding, and swelling. In rare circumstances, the procedure can exacerbate existing issues with your neck, muscles, or skin.

Additional Read: How Long After a Neck Lift Surgery Will I Look Normal?

Northwestern Facial Plastic Surgery Offers Neck Fat Reduction in Chicago

If you are looking for a neck fat reduction procedure done right, reach out to Dr. Sidle at Northwestern Facial Plastic Surgery. With extensive knowledge and experience, he performs reliable cosmetic surgical procedures to help you achieve a more youthful and natural look.

Dr. Sidle with Northwestern Facial Plastic Surgery performs reliable cosmetic plastic surgery in Chicago, IL. To schedule your consultation appointment, call 312-695-8182 today.

About Douglas M. Sidle, MD, FACS

Dr. Sidle specializes in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the face, head, and neck. His services range from minimally invasive office procedures with little to no down time to major operations leading to dramatic improvements in appearance. Dr. Sidle is one of a select group of cosmetic surgeons who are “double boarded”. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and by the American Board of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.